[Eoscstudents] Mass Communication classes

Kristen Turner kturner at eosc.edu
Mon Jan 8 15:20:23 CST 2018

Hello all,

I just wanted to remind you all about a couple of courses in the Mass Comm
department this semester. I am offering Video Production MWF 9:10-10 and
Publication Productions MW 1:10-2 p.m.

*MCOMM 1203 - Video Production II: *Theory and practice of television
studio production. This course provides a basic understanding of studio
television with emphasis placed on multi-camera operation, broadcast
script-writing, on-camera performance and television production

*MCOMM 1101 - Publication Production*:  Practical lab experience for basic
techniques in reporting, editing, layout and design, photography, and/or
advertising. Two hours of lab working by arrangement on the staff of the
student publications. May be repeated for credit up to four times. A
maximum of three hours will count toward graduation.
Kristen E. Turner
Professor of Mass Communication
*Statesman* and *Mountaineer* adviser
Eastern Oklahoma State College
(918) 465-1720
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