[Eoscstudents] Speech Department offerings for Spring 2019, now including Acting!

Timothy O'Neal toneal at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 31 15:47:10 CDT 2018

Hey students and advisors!


A class I'm happy to announce coming back to Eastern after a few semesters
gone is SPCH 1103 - Acting! 


Have you ever wanted to be on stage?  Have you ever wanted to delve deeply
inside the study of a character unlike yourself? Have you ever wanted to be
more comfortable in uncertain situations?  Acting can be that class for you!


This will be a class where you'll learn how to begin to hone your personal
instrument: body and voice.  You'll explore the inner workings of
characters: what makes them tick, what causes them to react the way they do,
and how to use that information and more to honestly interact with others on
stage.  You even learn to look at making choices that you may not make, but
your character will, thus shaping you to become a more flexible decision
maker in your own life.


While this class is not a requirement for any major, it can certainly be
used as an general elective and make you a much more rounded student.  


Also just as a reminder, SPCH 1113 (Fundamentals) is still offered in three


100% Live: You come to class every session and we work together on theory
and practical activities of interpersonal communication and public speaking.


Hybrid: You're more self-motivated, so we split theory and practical
application between BlackBoard and in-class lecture and activity.


Online: You're highly self-motivated and willing to work at your own pace
with assignments due throughout the semester.


If you're interested in any of these courses, sign up starting next Tuesday,
November 6, when Spring 2019 enrollment begins!


I hope to see you there,


Mr. O'Neal


Timothy O'Neal, MFA

Speech Department Chair/Humanities Instructor

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W. Main St.

Wilburton, OK   74578


918.465.4456 FAX


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