[Eoscstudents] Signs, and Posters, and Practice, Oh my! (Additional Homecoming Info)

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 4 14:44:47 CST 2019

Students and Club Sponsors,

This year our student groups are being encouraged to decorate/paint 4 X 8
signs that will be displayed in the Eastern courtyard Starting Thursday.
Students Services has already purchased and received the sheets of wood to
provide to our students.  Each group should send representatives to Student
Services to gather supplies.  In addition we are also encouraging our
student organizations to create posters that can be displayed in the gym
during our homecoming basketball games on Saturday starting at 2:00.  The
homecoming coronation will be held between the men's and women's games.
All contestants should report the the gym for practice on Friday the 8th at
3:00 for instruction and practice.  Thank you

Bryan Denny
Director of Student Life
Criminal Justice Chair/C.O.P. Director
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 W. Main Wilburton OK  74578
Ph: (918) 465-1818  Fax: (918) 465-4494
bdenny at eosc.edu
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