[Eoscstudents] McAlester Campus Pumpkin Decorating Contest Oct. 21st-24th

Anne Brooks abrooks at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 7 17:15:31 CDT 2019

McAlester Campus will be holding our 3rd Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest
this month. All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to enter.  Here
are the rules:

   1. The main part of each entry must be a real pumpkin.
   2. Pumpkins may not be carved or hollowed out.
   3. You may dress them up, use paint, glitter, stickers, or whatever you
   please. Just no carving!
   4. If your pumpkin begins to rot, you will be asked to come get it.
   5. No electrical devices may be used as part of an entry.
   6. Each entry must have a title.
   7. Write your name on the bottom of your entry. Do not put your name in
   a visible place.
   8. Pumpkins with inappropriate subjects, as determined
   by contest facilitators,  will not be judged or displayed.I would suggest
   avoiding politics, references to drugs or alcohol, and nudity.


Students: 1st-$50 gift card, 2nd-$25 gift card, 3rd-$15 gift card

Faculty/Staff prizes are TBD.

More prizes may be awarded by category.

Entries may be brought to the McAlester Campus front office October
21st-24th. Judging will take place on Friday, October 25th. The pumpkins
will be kept in a separate room for judging and then put on display in the
front office.  Last year's winners are on the EOSC-McAlester Facebook
page.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Happy decorating!

Anne Brooks, M.A
McAlester Campus Dean
Eastern Oklahoma State College
abrooks at eosc.edu
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