[Eoscstudents] Residential Assistant (R.A.) Jobs Available - Please Apply Soon

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 13 11:25:43 CDT 2020


We are seeking Resident Hall Assistants (R.A.'s) for the Fall 2020
semester.  I will be accepting applications until April 24th at 12:00 p.m.
(SEE ATTACHED APPLICATION).  Please *only fill out the first page*.  Then,
scan and email the applications back to me, bdenny at eosc.edu, or, you may
fax the document to me at (918) 465-4494.  We very much look forward to
seeing you and returning to normal operations once this pandemic has
passed.  Thank you.

Bryan Denny
Director of Student Life
Professor Criminal Justice
Department Chair/C.O.P. Director
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 W. Main Wilburton OK  74578
Ph: (918) 465-1818  Fax: (918) 465-4494
bdenny at eosc.edu
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