[Eoscstudents] REMINDER: Face Coverings Required for All Students

Eosc News news at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 6 13:45:00 CDT 2020

As we return to campus, the health and safety of all individuals is of the
highest importance. All students, faculty, staff and visitors are required
to wear face coverings on campus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the use of
simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19, which
spreads mainly
from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an
infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice (e.g., while
shouting, chanting, or singing).

*What is a face covering?*
For the purposes of this policy, it is defined as any cloth face covering,
such as a facemask, bandana or scarf, that covers the nose and mouth, and
ties around the ears or the back of the head. It must be secured under the
chin and fit snugly against the sides of the face.

*Where and when are face coverings required?*

Face coverings are *required* when:

   - Indoors when other people are present, including classrooms and other
   learning environments, as well as common or public areas such as hallways,
   stairways, lobbies, common areas of residence halls, restrooms, elevators,
   the Library, Bookstore and Cafeteria
   - Outdoors when keeping a six-foot distance from others may not be
   - In all college-provided transportation, unless the driver is alone in
   the vehicle

 Face coverings are *not required* when:

   - Working or spending time alone in a personal workspace, office, or
   other area on campus
   - Working or spending time outdoors (walking, exercising, etc.) and at
   least a six-foot distance from others can be maintained
   - Inside a personal, on-campus residence hall room or apartment
   - Eating or drinking – a six-foot physical distance between people is
   required when eating and drinking in the Cafeteria

*How will the face covering policy be enforced?*

Everyone who comes to campus is expected to observe Eastern’s face covering
policy. We must all work together to prevent and stop the spread of the
virus. Failure to comply with face covering requirements may result in
denial of access to classrooms and other designated areas or participation
in programs and activities. Faculty have the right to deny a student entry
into the classroom if a student is not wearing a face covering. All
students have the opportunity to participate in classes via online courses
or Zoom web conference technology.

*Where do I get a face covering?*

Students, faculty, staff and visitors should plan to provide their own face
coverings (cloth or disposable masks). Eastern will provide all students,
faculty and staff with one disposable mask at the beginning of the
semester. Disposable masks are available by request in the Office of
Student Services, Student Center 208.

Please review the attached document regarding Eastern's Face Covering
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