[Eoscstudents] Campus Safety

Alton Jones ajones725 at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 31 11:56:39 CDT 2020

For many people, Labor Day weekend is the unofficial end of the summer
season. Typically, students are back in school by this time, or they may be
enjoying their last few days of freedom. The temperatures will soon start
to drop. In many areas, the leaves will begin changing colors. Before you
know it, fall will be in full swing.

So, it comes as no surprise that many individuals choose to celebrate this
weekend with their last summer “hoorah” before fall arrives. It’s important
for you, your family, and your friends to celebrate responsibly and safely
during your three-to-four-day break from work and/or school.

*Below are a few tips to keep you safe this upcoming holiday weekend.*

*1.    **If you are driving anywhere, be prepared and don’t drive

Regardless of whether you’re driving a few or a few hundred miles this
weekend, stay alert and focused on the road. Be sure your vehicle is ready
ahead of time by checking fluid levels, tire tread and pressure, signal
lights, and also make sure that you have a stocked emergency kit. Your kit
should include: road flares, a flashlight, jumper cables, a simple tool
kit, first aid kit, coolant, windshield wiper fluid, and a jack in case you
need to change your tire.

Additionally, don’t drive distracted. While it may seem important to check
your phone when you hear it ding, doing so could put yourself, passengers,
and others on the road in serious danger. A few other common distractions
include: adjusting the radio station, talking to others in the car, being
drowsy, applying makeup, or trying to read directions from a map or
navigation device. It only takes a second with your eyes off the road for a
disaster to happen.

Also, NEVER drink alcohol and drive! If you are 21 and plan on drinking, be
sure to designate a driver who will not be consuming any alcohol to drive
you to and from your destination(s).

*2.    **Be safe when swimming in any body of water.*

It doesn’t matter whether you plan on swimming in your backyard pool or in
a larger body of water, such as a lake, river, or ocean; you still need to
keep safety your top priority.

According to the American Red Cross, you should ALWAYS supervise children
when they are in or near the water. Stress the importance of never swimming
alone, and be sure a lifeguard is on duty if swimming in a public location.

*3.    **Hunting Safety.*

For some, nothing beats the opening day of dove season. Recognized as the
nation's most sought-after migratory game bird, mourning doves provide an
unmatched challenge. Opening day — Sept. 1 in most states — also marks the
unofficial start of fall hunting for many who are now preparing for their
upcoming hunts.

   - Always practice firearm safety.
   - Never hunt alone.
   - Never shoot at low-flying birds.
   - Never place decoys on utility lines.
   - Always be sure to have the correct ammunition for your firearm.
   - Always adhere to all hunting regulations.

*4.    **Stay hydrated!*

Drink plenty of fluids to stay healthy and hydrated this weekend. While
this may be the last “unofficial” weekend of the summer, the outside
temperature is still fairly warm. Know your limits in the heat, and avoid
drinks with alcohol or caffeine.

Regardless of what you have planned for your holiday weekend, be sure to
keep safety in mind for yourself and loved ones.

Also, if you are planning on spending time on a boat this holiday weekend,
be sure everyone (regardless of their swimming abilities) wears a U.S.
Coast Guard-approved life jacket.

Have a great long weekend.

Alton L. Jones
Campus Police Chief
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Phone: 918-465-1739
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