[Eoscstudents] Taking Care of Your Mental Health during the Pandemic

EOSC News news at eosc.edu
Tue Oct 27 11:18:03 CDT 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been stressful for all of us. You’ve all been
asked to quickly transition to different classroom experiences, letting go
of activities and events, and adapting to new ways of interacting with each

These changes can be stressful. Emotional reactions during this time of
uncertainty can appear very different from person to person. Whether you
feel anxious, grateful, worried, overwhelmed, hopeful, lonely, bored or
angry, it is all valid. The best things you can do are focus on your
well-being and help one another.

Remember, we’re in this together. Stay well and safe, Mountaineers.

*Know the signs of stress in yourself and your loved ones:*

   - Not sleeping or sleeping too much
   - No appetite or eating too much, even when you are not hungry
   - Experiencing an increase in headaches, muscle aches, frequent colds,
   and minor illnesses
   - Taking deep breaths and feeling slightly light-headed when you think
   about a situation you can’t control
   - Becoming frequently irritable, frustrated, angry, impatient, and/or
   - Having difficulty concentrating
   - Crying frequently or worrying excessively
   - Wanting to be alone most of the time
   - Having difficulty giving or accepting help
   - Feeling overwhelming stress that lasts more than a few days

*Here are some ideas to help you manage stress and cultivate mindfulness:*

   - Take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, exercise, and eat healthy
   - Keep in touch with your family, friends and classmates. Ask how
   they’re doing and let them know you care.
   - Make time to give yourself a break.
   - Practice relaxation. There are many ways to do this: yoga, meditation,
   reading, listening to music, or going for a walk.
   - Avoid drugs and alcohol.
   - Focus on what you can control. Try to separate what you can control
   from what you can’t and let go of what you can’t control.
   - Keep things in perspective. Try to see things as ‘glass half full’ –
   if you expect things to go wrong or see things in a negative light, you
   will more likely feel stressed.
   - Focus on the positives. Try to focus on your strengths and the
   positive things around you.
   - Talk it out. If you’re struggling, talk to your family or friends,
   your medical provider, or a counselor about what you are experiencing.

It’s always important to prioritize your well-being, but it’s even more
important right now. The above practices can support you in balancing your
mental and emotional health, and give you strength and support.

It’s okay to ask for help. If you feel you need immediate assistance,
please contact the Office of Student Services at 918-465-1818. Eastern
partners with the Health and Wellness Center to provide medical services,
behavioral health services and counseling services to students. Covered
services are provided free of charge for students without health insurance.
Visit eosc.edu/health to learn more.

Here are some additional resources to help support you during these
challenging times.

   - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
   - Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 <https://www.crisistextline.org/>
   - Steps to Taking Care of Your Emotional Health (CDC)
   - General Mental Health Tips and Resources during COVID-19 (The Jed
   Foundation) <https://www.jedfoundation.org/covid19-tips-and-resources/>
   - Care for Your Coronavirus Anxiety Toolkit (Shine)
   - Adjusting Your Study Habits during COVID-19 (University of Michigan)
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