[Eoscstudents] EOSC Bookstore web store is open for orders....

amartinez at eosc.edu amartinez at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 7 10:41:38 CDT 2021

Now is the time to start placing orders for Fall that will be here before
you know it. Go to www.eoscbookstore.com <http://www.eoscbookstore.com>  and
then Textbooks to place your order. All merchandise that is on our web store
can be added to financial aid orders. The Financial Aid toggle is now open
for orders, but Financial Aid doesn't actually open for charging until July
26th.  But it's okay to go ahead and place the orders now.


If anyone has any questions, feel free to give us a call at 918.465.1713


Thank you,

Ali Martinez

Bookstore Manager



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