[Eoscstudents] Graduation Applications for May 21 grads

srobertson at eosc.edu srobertson at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 25 10:38:32 CDT 2021

This is just a reminder for all May 2021 graduates to complete your
application for graduation if you have not already done so.  The
applications are located in webadvisor under academic profile, apply for
graduation.   Make sure to list your name exactly how you would like it to
read on your diploma.   Please enter your correct mailing address so we can
mail your diploma to you.  We are currently in the process of working out
the details for the graduation ceremony and will let you know as soon as
possible.   Please let me know if you have any questions or need help
completing the application for graduation.   Continue to work hard the rest
of the semester.  Graduation is almost here!


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