[Eoscstudents] FERPA NOTICE

glarson at eosc.edu glarson at eosc.edu
Thu Sep 2 16:18:12 CDT 2021

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended (FERPA) (20
U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy
of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive
funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
Eastern Oklahoma State College will send a written notice of FERPA rights to
every enrolled student each fall semester. The Registrar’s Office is
responsible for preparing and delivering this annual notice.


Eastern Oklahoma State College is required by FERPA to:

1.     Provide a student with an opportunity to inspect and review his or
her education records within 45 days of the receipt of a request. The
college must consider a request from a student to amend inaccurate or
misleading information on the student’s education records and offer the
student a hearing on the matter if it decides not to amend the records. The
college must also offer the student the right to place a statement to be
kept and disclosed with the record if, as a result of the hearing, the
school still decides not to amend the record. Eastern Oklahoma State College
is not required to consider requests for amendment under FERPA that seek to
change a grade or disciplinary action or seek to change the opinions or
reflections of a school official or other person reflected in an education

2.   Provide a student with copies of education records or otherwise make
the records available to the student if the student, for instance, lives
outside  of    commuting distance of the school.

3.   Retract the names and other personally identifiable information about
other students that may be included in the students education records.


Eastern Oklahoma State College is NOT required by FERPA to:

1.     Create or maintain education records

2.     Provide students with calendars, notices or other information which
does not generally contain information directly related to the student.

3.     Respond to questions about the student.


Educational records include: written documents (including student advising
folders), computer media, microfilm or microfiche, video or audio tapes or
CDs, film, photographs, any record that contains personal information that
is directly related to the student is an educational record under FERPA.


Records not considered as educational records include: private notes of
individual staff or faculty (NOT kept in student advising folders), campus
police records, medical records, statistical data compilations that contain
no mention of personally identifiable information about any specific


Eastern Oklahoma State College may disclose, without consent, directory
information. Directory information includes: name, address, phone number and
email address, dates of attendance, degree(s) awarded, enrollment status,
major field of study. Non-directory information includes: social security
numbers, student identification number, race/ethnicity/nationality, gender,
transcript or grade reports.



Complaints of alleged violations may be addressed to:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW.

Washington, DC 20202-4605.


Complaints must be submitted in a timely manner, no later than 180 days from
the date you learned of the circumstances of the alleged violation.
Complaints must contain specific allegations of fact giving reasonable cause
to believe that a violation has occurred including relevant dates, names and
titles of those school officials and others involved, a specific description
of the education record around which the alleged violation occurred, a
description of any contact with school officials regarding the matter, the
name and address of the school and any additional evidence that would be


This information, as well as the Student Request to Share Information (FERPA
waiver) form can be found on Eastern’s website at
https://www.eosc.edu/academics/registrars-office .


Jennifer Labor
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 West Main
Library 108
Wilburton OK 74578
P: 918.465.1828 
F: 918.465.4435 


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