[Eoscstudents] Join us for the Big Spring Clean on Wednesday, April 27 from 1 to 4 p.m.

EOSC News news at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 21 16:28:26 CDT 2022

[image: Spring Clean Up Day.jpg]

Eastern faculty and staff are planning a Campus Clean-Up Day on Wednesday,
April 27 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Wilburton. Students are welcome and
encouraged to help!

Volunteers can meet at the Student Center Amphitheater where volunteers
will be split into groups and sent out to pull weeds and pick up trash. All
volunteers will be supplied with trash bags, rubber gloves, and a few handy
tools to make it easier. College Clean-Up Day is important because we all
should take an active role in keeping our campus clean. We spend a lot of
time here as students, faculty, and staff, so why not have it be something
we care for as much as we do our own homes. Let’s come together to spruce
up the campus before Commencement on Friday, May 6.
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