[Eoscstudents] Live 2nd 8-weeks Speech course offering

Timothy ONeal toneal at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 21 12:17:36 CDT 2022

*Hey all you students not currently in a Speech class or have already taken
the course*!

There is a new, just opened up in-class Speech offering available to you
for the 2nd 8-weeks semester.  If you hate online, can't do online, but
still want an accelerated offering to get that Fundamentals of Speech
credit you need, this is a great opportunity!

It will be available on the Wilburton, McAlester, and Antlers campuses on
Mondays from 5-7:30PM. The schedule states there is class on Mondays and
Wednesdays, but Wednesdays will be reserved for outside of class work.  We
will only meet for lectures and projects on Mondays from 5-7:30.

So, for anyone still looking for that class that will get you to 15 hours
(or even 12) and you still need your Speech credit, this is a solid choice!

Talk to an advisor and get enrolled today!

Mr. O'Neal

Timothy O’Neal, MFA

Speech Department Chair/Humanities Professor

Faculty Council Chair

Eastern Oklahoma State College
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