[Eoscstudents] Trunk or Treat

Alton Jones ajones725 at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 30 08:49:04 CDT 2023

Please have all vehicles moved from in front of the Student Center no later
than 2:00pm tomorrow for the EOSC Trunk or Treat event. Also, please pay
attention to all of the traffic signs that are posted on campus. There have
been new speed limit signs installed. The posted speed limit for campus is
15 mph, however, there are new 10 mph speed limit signs posted on the road
way in front of the Student Center as well as new 5 mph signs posted on the
roadways of the EOSC apartments. I urge you to adhere to the posted speed
limit as they WILL be strictly enforced.

Halloween is tomorrow, please be safe. If you are under 21 do not consume
any alcoholic beverages. If you are 21 do not provide any alcoholic
beverages to anyone under 21 and if you do drink, do it responsibly. Do not
drive if you have anything to drink or if you are on ANY type of
prescription medications to include medical marijuana.  Thank you and enjoy
the holiday.

Alton L. Jones
Campus Police Chief
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Phone: 918-465-1739
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