[Eoscstudents] Phi Theta Kappa - Voter Registration Two $50 cash drawings for those who participate

bstrange at eosc.edu bstrange at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 27 18:28:07 CDT 2023

Movie Night tonight - tables will be set up with PTK and laptops
available/Tablets/ or you phone;  forms for those that are not from Oklahoma
to complete


*	All students are encouraged to participate,  we need your help!!
Open now until October 9th
*	Some faculty will participate by giving Bonus Points in your classes
*	There will be a drawing for two $50 cash prizes after October 9th.


We would appreciate your help - here is how you can do this!!

*        If you are not a registered voter, you can sign up with the online
Oklahoma voter portal - click on this link and follow instructions to start
a new registration

*	  Home Page - OKVoterPortal (okelections.us)
<https://okvoterportal.okelections.us/>    What it looks like below





*        If you are a registered voter but need to change your address or
your name or your party affiliation... you can update your registration in
the same online link for Oklahoma residents

*        If you are a registered voter just show your Voters ID or look up
in the same link and show your instructor


 There are cash prizes that will be drawn for at the end of our campaign
time (Oct 9th)  two $50 cash prizes (2 drawn names)!!

 How can you get your name in to win?:

*        Your name will be put in the drawing if you fill out the online
registration for Oklahoma or forms for other states (will provide via PTK
Officers and Faculty)  

*        If you encourage and have someone to fill out a form, both you and
that person both will have a name placed in the drawing.


FACULTY and PTK OFFICERS have the forms and sign up sheet for the drawing. 


Officer Team:

Railey Spears, Kinley Bratcher, Brooklyn McNac, Maggie Cato, Jordan Jones,
Madison Wright, Brett Hoffman, Brody Wallis




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