[Eoscstudents] Volunteer Opportunity - Thursday, Sept 12.

Hannah Truitt htruitt at eosc.edu
Wed Aug 28 10:41:37 CDT 2024

Good Morning Everyone!

On Thursday - Sept. 12, 2024, Eastern is hosting the GPACAC Wilburton Area
College Fair at the C.C. Dunlap Fieldhouse from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. For this
event, we have 10 area high schools that will be bringing their junior and
senior students to visit and 30+ representatives from other

I would LOVE to have some of our Eastern students greet these high
schoolers as they come in! If you need community service hours or are
willing to volunteer some of your time, please complete this Google Form!

EOSC Student Volunteer Form <https://forms.gle/aF51pMmTnWdXptnJ9>

This is not an excuse to miss class, but we can work around your class
schedule if you need the hours.


*Hannah Truitt *

Director of Recruitment & Retention

P: 918-465-1822 | C: 580-371-7047

Personal Availability Link <https://eosc.campus.eab.com/pal/_YCBHEed5f>:
Recruitment & Retention

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W Main | Library 161 | Wilburton, OK

eosc.edu <http://www.eosc.edu> | eoscathletics.com
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