[Eoscstudents] Scholarship Opportunity - Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges

Mimi Kelley mkelley at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 19 12:23:44 CST 2024


We are now accepting applications for the Oklahoma Association of Community
Colleges President's Tuition Waiver Award scholarship!

This scholarship is for the 2024-2025 academic year. The winner will
receive a $1000 tuition waiver ($500 per semester). The winner must be
available to accept the award that will be presented to them in the House
of Representatives Chambers at the Oklahoma State Capitol on March 26, 2024.

In order to qualify for the scholarship, you must attend EOSC as a Freshman
in Fall 2024 - this means you will either need to be a current high school
senior attending EOSC in the fall, or be a current EOSC student that will
have *under 32 credit hours* when you start back in the fall.

You must also send in a copy of your official highschool transcript or GED
score, a copy of your Fall 2023 college transcript if you attended classes
then, and 3 letters of recommendation, along with your completed

The application form is attached to this email - these can be returned to
me in person, by mail, or via email, but must be returned to me no later
than *5pm on Friday, January 26. *Any applications received after that
deadline or are incomplete will be disqualified.

Due to time constraints, only the selected recipient will be notified.

Thank you,

Mimi Kelley

Financial Aid Director

P: 918-302-3604 | F: 918-465-4429

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1802 E College Ave | Wanda Bass | McAlester, OK

eosc.edu <http://www.eosc.edu> | radio.eosc.edu <http://www.radio.eosc.edu/>
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