[Eoscstudents] Campus Parking

Alton Jones ajones725 at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 11 10:18:38 CDT 2024

I apologize for this follow-up email. Those who live in Choctaw Hall, you
will have to find parking at other locations on campus during the time
annotated in the last email.  You can park anywhere on campus except
disabled parking, visitor parking, or staff parking. We have 30+ high
schools visiting on Wednesday for an event and we have to accommodate
parking for buses. I appreciate your cooperations and I apologize for this

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 10:11 AM Alton Jones <ajones725 at eosc.edu> wrote:

> All,
> If you are  living in Choctaw Hall, please make sure that you do not park
> in the parking lot behind Choctaw Hall between 11:00pm tomorrow, Tuesday,
> 12 March 2024 and 5:00pm, Wednesday, 13 March 2024. If there are any
> vehicles parked behind Choctaw Hall after 6:00am on Wednesday, 13 March
> 2024 they will be towed at the owner's expense. Thank you
> --
> Alton L. Jones
> Campus Police Chief
> Eastern Oklahoma State College
> Phone: 918-465-1739

Alton L. Jones
Campus Police Chief
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Phone: 918-465-1739
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