[Lender] PLUS Statement of Adverse Credit Check Denial Packets

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Wed Aug 1 10:40:59 CDT 2001

About two months ago, OGSLP changed the process for sending the PLUS
Statements of Adverse Credit and the actual credit check report from sending
it through the US Postal Service to sending it via fax.  The main reason for
the change was the amount of time it took for the information to get from
OGSLP to the lender, although not very long it created some potential
problems.  One such problem being that an Unsub loan could be certified by
the school not knowing that the lender was in the process of overriding the
adverse credit for approval of the PLUS loan.

However, since this process was implemented we have had a few lenders
request to only receive their adverse credit packets by US Postal Service.
Our standard process will be changed back to mailing the packets through the
US Postal Service, unless you let us know you would prefer to receive your
packet information via fax.  In the case where you select to receive your
packets via fax, they will not be sent via the postal service.

Please reply to me directly with your preference.  If you are not the person
who handles this issue in your office and know that they are not subscribed
to this listserv, please forward this e-mail to them for their response.  If
you have any questions, please call.  Thanks!

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