[Lender] Update on Child Care Provider Loan Forgiveness Program

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Wed Aug 29 13:57:14 CDT 2001

OGSLP has received additional information from NCHELP regarding the Child
Care Provider Loan Forgiveness Program.  Listed below is the information as
we received it.  Although, this may be more information than you will ever
need or want to read, we know it will be useful if you have borrowers who
are involved in the application process.  Here goes.  

Additional information from NCHELP:

"The Forms Subcommittee of the NCHELP Program Operations Committee has been
involved in the development of the application and forbearance forms that
will be utilized in the administration of the Child Care Provider Loan
Forgiveness Program.  As a result of this involvement, the Forms
Subcommittee has received information from the Department as to the process
by which the Department intends to grant forgiveness to eligible borrowers.
The Forms Subcommittee is sharing this information with the FFELP community
at this time so that lenders, servicers, and guarantors are aware of how the
Department intends to administer this program and can prepare for

Attached is an article summarizing the forgiveness process flow.  Also
attached are the following documents: (1) ED's diagram of the process flow
(2 attachments), (2) DUNS form, (3) DUNS form instructions, (4) Loan
Certification form, (5) Loan Certification form instructions, and (6) Loan
holder follow-up letter.  The purpose of each of these documents is
explained in the summary article."

 <<lender follow-up.doc>>  <<DUNS form instructions.doc>>  <<DUNS form.doc>>
 <<ED flow chart1.doc>>  <<ED flow chart2.doc>>  <<CCPLF process flow
article.doc>>  <<Loan cert form.doc>>  <<Loan cert form instructions.doc>> 

Special Note:  In an effort to help identify potentially qualified
borrower's,  OGSLP contacted a representative from DHS and provided them
with information regarding this program.  They have since forwarded this
information on to their child care resource and referral network and other
programs in an effort to further identify potentially qualified applicants.
Their overall conclusion is that there will be relatively few Oklahoma
students who qualify.  

If you have any questions, please contact OGSLP Client Relations at (405)
234-4329 or (800) 247-0420.    

Client Relations
PO Box 3000
OKC, OK 73101-3000
(405)234-4329  or (800)247-0420 
fax: (405)234-4459
email:  clientrelations at ogslp.org

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