[Lender] Reminder-OLAC Mtg 2/23

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Tue Feb 20 13:00:32 CST 2001

Just a reminder, the OLAC meeting is scheduled for this Friday (February
23rd) from 10:00 AM until approximately 1:30 PM.  (Lunch provided by OGSLP).
The meeting is being held at the Meridian Convention Center which is located
at 737 South Meridian.  Note:  this is the same location as last week's
OGSLP conference.

The agenda is full and will include the following topics:  Review of Market
Mechanisms Report and potential OLAC comments, Fraud Flyer/Poster
Distribution Process, Officer Nominations/Elections, Subcommittee Updates
and an OGSLP/Industry Update.  

See ya there!    

Rick Edington, Associate Director                                        
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Claims, Lender & Accounting Services                                      
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 858-4333
Fax:  (405) 858-4391


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