[Lender] change in listserv

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Mon Jan 29 16:31:31 CST 2001

OGSLP would like to announce that we have moved the LENDER listserv to a new
web based system that includes archive and digest options.

However, the basic posting function remains the same.  To post a message,
simply address it to: lender at onenet.net 

In order to subscribe to either the archive or digest functionality or to
unsubscribe from the listserv requires a password. To obtain a password go
to the following link: http://lists.onenet.net/mailman/listinfo/lender .
Scroll down to the heading "LENDER Subscribers" and enter your email address
next to the "Edit Options" button & you will be able to retrieve your
password or you may change it at this screen. You will receive monthly
reminders of your password. 

Everyone that is currently subscribed to the LENDER listserv has been
automatically subscribed to the new list. If you have any questions, please
contact Pam Hicks at (405) 858-4452 or 1-800-247-0420 or at
phicks at ogslp.org.	

More information about the LENDER mailing list