[Lender] good news/Bill Hansen Nomination

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Fri Mar 9 10:42:17 CST 2001

Some good news concerning Bill Hansen nomination!  Rick

(from HEWI)

March 9, 2001

Hansen To Be Nominated For Deputy Secretary of Education

The White House Office Press Secretary announced March 8, that President
George Bush intends to nominate Bill Hansen as the Deputy Secretary of
Education. Hansen is currently the executive director of the Education
Finance Council. He worked in the Department of Education from 1981 to 1993
serving several positions including Assistant Secretary for Management and
Budget and Chief Financial Officer from 1991 to 1993. Hansen will oversee
day-to-day operations at the Department of Education.

Bill is a well-known and much admired figure in the higher education
community.  He enjoys excellent working relationships with House and Senate
members of both parities and is considered to have contributed significantly
to the Republican support for the Federal Pell Grant program in recent

Earlier this year, Bill was named by then President-Elect Bush to head the
Department of Education transition team.  From that date to the present, his
appointment to the position of Deputy Secretary had been widely rumored.

At the Department, Bill is expected to serve as a key policymaker on higher
education issues, in part due to the limited experience and focus of
Secretary Paige in this area.  He is also expected to play a major
management role in the day-to-day operations of the Department.

News of Bill's nomination was received enthusiastically in the student loan
community. "Bill is well-known for his sense of fairness and is an
enthusiastic supporter of the private sector. We could not have hoped for a
better appointment as Deputy Secretary," said one key Washington lender

As this Update is issued, the timetable for Senate confirmation is not
known. A speedy process, however, is considered likely.

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Rick Edington, Associate Director                                        
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Claims, Lender & Accounting Services                                      
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4391


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