[Lender] Corrected Common Manual Update (CM-53)

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Mon May 21 16:30:35 CDT 2001

> OGSLP would like to notify you that shortly after the Common Manual Update
> (CM-53) was mailed to clients, the Common Manual Governing Board notified
> guarantors that a couple of minor omissions had been discovered from the
> bulletin language.
> Listed below are the omissions and attached is the revised update (CM-53)
> for your reference (see attached PDF file). This corrected update has also
> been posted to OGSLP's web site. If you have any questions, please contact
> Client Relations. Thank you.
> Corrections to CM-53:
> Cohort Default Rates: add the following to the end of the text:
> Appendix G has been updated to replace the term, "Weighted Average Cohort
> Rate" with the term
> now in use by the Department, the "Dual-Program Cohort Default Rate." The
> definition of "Cohort
> Default Rate" has also been updated.
> Affected Sections: add Appendix G
> Financial Aid Histories and the Delivery of Loan Proceeds
> Affected Sections: add 5.2.E. and 6.3.I.
> Ineligible Borrower Claims
> Affected Sections: add CCI 8.6.A.
>  <<CM53.pdf>> 
> Client Relations
> (405) 234-4329 or 1-800-247-0420
> Fax - (405) 234-4459
> clientrelations at ogslp.org
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