[Lender] New Deferment and Discharge Forms

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Thu May 31 16:07:46 CDT 2001

> OGSLP would like to advise you that the U.S. Department of Education (ED)
> recently approved new deferment and cancellations forms. Approval of these
> forms is found in GEN-01-07 (see attached link).  These technical changes
> were made to the forms as a result of final regulations that will be in
> effect on July 1, 2001.
> The new forms must be used when providing deferment applications to
> borrowers on or after July 1, 2001. If a loan holder receives a previously
> approved form after that date, the loan holder should process that form.
> The loan holder is responsible for being certain that the previously
> approved form is processed using the applicable regulatory provisions.
> Just as a reminder, no changes to, deletions from, or additions to the
> prescribed language in these forms will be permitted. Printing
> instructions remain the same as when the forms were originally distributed
> to the community. All eight deferment forms have been modified in addition
> to the two cancellations forms, which are outlined below. You may link to
> these forms via GEN-01-07 (see attached link):
> Deferment forms:
> - Education Related
> - In-School
> - Parental Leave / Working Mother
> - PLUS Borrower with Dependent Student
> - Public Service
> - Temporary Total Disability
> - Unemployment
> - Economic Hardship
> Discharge forms:
> - Loan Discharge Application: False Certification of Ability to Benefit
> - Total and Permanent Disability Cancellation Request
> If you have any questions, please contact OGSLP's Client Relations
> Department. Thank you.
>  <<IFAP - Dear Colleague Letter.htm>> 
> Client Relations
> (405) 234-4329 or 1-800-247-0420
> Fax - (405) 234-4459
> clientrelations at ogslp.org
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