[Lender] OETA/Financial Aid Awareness Project

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Fri Nov 9 13:10:31 CST 2001

	We wanted to let everyone know that work continues on the
OETA/Financial Aid Awareness project. As was discussed at OLAC and the
OASFAA business meeting, OASFAA is extremely excited about this project and
we all want this to be a first rate event.   Of course that requires money,
and it is quite possible that additional funding, beyond the sponsorship of
OGSLP and the Regents will be necessary, especially with regards to
advertising and promotion. 

	We have received calls as to exactly how much funding will be
necessary and how that corporate sponsorship will be incorporated and
showcased at the event.   There will be several meetings with OETA and
OASFAA representatives over the next couple of weeks.  Based on those
meetings we should have a much clearer idea of estimated costs for the
project and will be in a better position to discuss this with our lender
partners. Thanks for the calls, and OGSLP will keep you informed as to what
type of sponsorship is needed and how you can help make this something we
can all be proud of!  

Rick Edington, Associate Director for                                       
Operations & Client Services
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program                                    
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4391


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