[Lender] Oklahoma Lender Advisory Council Meeting- October 24th

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Fri Oct 19 16:21:23 CDT 2001

The Fall meeting of the Oklahoma Lender Advisory Council (OLAC) will be held
on Wednesday, October 24th at 9:00 a.m. in Room 16 of the Myriad Convention
Center (OASFAA conference site). The agenda includes NCHELP President Brett
Lief who will be sharing his insights on the FFELP industry as well as
providing us with a timely Washington Update. Sandra Welch, OLAC President,
will be providing updates on various OLAC topics including conference bags
and potential sponsorship opportunities.  Additionally, I will be providing
a brief OGSLP update.  Hope to see you there!  Thanks. Rick

Rick Edington, Associate Director for                                       
Operations & Client Services
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program                                    
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4391


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