[Lender] Help! Students Failing to File FAFSAs

Mc Conahay, Pamela K pmcconahay at ou.edu
Mon Sep 10 09:15:49 CDT 2001

Dear Lender Colleagues:

We've encountered approximately 50 students during fall registration
who failed to file their FAFSAs for 2001-2002 because they confused the
with the MPN.  

Lenders have sent out reminders to students
(which I believe is required) that their MPN is still on file & active
so no new MPN is required.  The students (arguably not our brightest)
confused the MPN with the FAFSA, so they thought they didn't have
to file a 2001-2002 FAFSA.  This happened despite them getting PIN mailers,
renewal applications and our office running ads in the newspaper, on cable
TV and
sending out mass e-mails reminding them to file a 2001-2002 FAFSA.

Would you please check the text of your letters?  If it is possible, please
add a reminder that filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid 
is still an annual requirement, even though the MPN is not.  You might 
direct them to www.fafsa.ed.gov since that web site will be applicable to
all students. 


Pam McConahay
Asst Dir., Compliance & Support Svcs
University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
731 Elm, Rm 125, Norman OK 73019-2111
(405) 325-4617, fax (405) 325-7608
pmcconahay at ou.edu 

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