[Lender] Office Closing at OGSLP

Wed Sep 12 13:27:03 CDT 2001

I am back on line and want you to know that my thoughts are with you and on being home.  I was attending training and it looks as if it's going to be a little difficult getting home.

Some of our offices were closed briefly due to safety concerns, but are open now.  Don't hesitate to me with any questions or concerns. My cell # is 918-284-8188.  

I am thinking of all of you during this tragic time, take care. 


>>> Client Relations <ClientRelations at ogslp.org> 09/11/01 10:46AM >>>
Please be advised that, because of the situation today, the Oklahoma Office
of Personnel Management has determined that only "essential" state employees
should be at work.  For OGSLP, this means that most of our employees will be
leaving and for practical purposes we will not be conducting business as
usual today.  We will keep you informed of any changes in this status as
soon as more information becomes available.

Client Relations
(405) 234-4329

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