[Lender] Alert! - - Computer Virus Impacts Products

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Wed Sep 19 10:10:00 CDT 2001

As you know, many organizations have been hit by a computer virus known as
"Nimda". We at OGSLP are fortunate not to have been hit by the virus, but
need to inform you that Sallie Mae's web was infected. Of course, many of
you may decide to avoid use of the internet entirely today, but know that
all Sallie Mae Web products (such as NetWizard and Document Direct/On-line
Reporting) should not be accessed or used at this time. 

If you have questions, please contact Client Relations at (405) 234-4329 or
(800) 247-0420.


Client Relations
PO Box 3000
OKC, OK 73101-3000

(405) 234-4329 or (800) 247-0420

fax: (405) 234-4459

email: clientrelations at ogslp.org <mailto:clientrelations at ogslp.org> 

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