[Lender] Updated Disaster Recovery Information

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Fri Sep 21 14:12:24 CDT 2001

September 21, 2001

OGSLP previously released information from the U.S. Department of Education
on GEN-01-11 and GEN-01-12.  The links to the letters were accurate but the
identification numbers were listed incorrectly as 01 and 02.    We apologize
for any confusion this may have caused, and are providing the corrected
message below as well as information regarding NASFAA's website which now
includes additional information about this subject.   


These letters were the first in a series to provide guidance regarding the
administration of the federal student aid programs in the wake of the
terrorist attacks on the United States.  A third letter, which is expected
to be available later this week, will provide guidance on the treatment of
students and borrowers who are affected by their call to active military
duty.  The fourth letter will further address other issues that relate to
regulatory and administrative relief for those affected by the terrorist
attacks and will be issued in the near future.  As soon as this information
becomes available, OGSLP will provide additional email notifications.

As a reminder, the first two letters may be viewed on IFAP's web site at the
following addresses:

NASFAA announced that it has established a page on their web site at
http://www.nasfaa.org/linklists/terroristattackpage.asp  dedicated to
providing financial aid administrators another source for federal,
association, and other information related to last week's tragedy. There are
links to the new page under "In the News" and "NASFAA Shortcuts" on the
Association's Home Page at www.NASFAA.org.
If you have any questions, please contact OGSLP Client Relations
(405)234-4329 or (800)247-0420.    

Client Relations
PO Box 3000
OKC, OK 73101-3000
(405)234-4329  or (800)247-0420 
fax: (405)234-4459
email:  clientrelations at ogslp.org

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