[Lender] Cash for College webcast

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Thu Feb 7 08:21:09 CST 2002

	If anyone is still having problems viewing the Cash for College
webcast, you may need the newest version of Windows Media Player 7.1 to view
the show.  
	If you do not have the newest version of this application, please
select the link: http://www.okhighered.org/cashforcollege/ and click on the
Window Media icon above to download for free.  After you have downloaded the
latest version of Window Media, you will be able to view the webcast.  
	If you have any questions or problems with the downloading of the
software, please contact OGSLP Client Relations at (405) 234-4353 or (800)
247-0420 or by email at clientrelations at ogslp.org.

	Client Relations
	(405) 234-4329 or 1-800-247-0420
	(405) 234-4459 - Fax 
	clientrelations at ogslp.org 

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