[Lender] July OLAC Meeting

Ron1BOk at aol.com Ron1BOk at aol.com
Wed Jul 10 10:06:28 CDT 2002


Hope everyone had a nice holiday break last week. It is time to get back 
together again for our July OLAC meeting. We will meet at OGSLP's offices on 
July 31 at 9:30 a.m. Some initial agenda items are shown below. If you have 
other issues you'd like discussed during the meeting, please forward those to 
me for inclusion on the agenda. I hope to see you on the 31st and please let 
me know if you have any questions or suggestions for OLAC during this year.

- Potential Product Forum hosted by OGSLP
- Default Prevention Workgroup Recommendations
- OGSLP & Federal Update
- Cash for College
- Electronic Signature process discussion

- Ron Hancock
  Bank of Oklahoma
  (405) 447-1700

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