[Lender] Special Mortgage Loans for Oklahoma Teachers

Mowdy, Mary mmowdy at ogslp.org
Fri Jun 14 14:02:42 CDT 2002

Good afternoon!

I'm assisting the OSRHE Communications division in identifying lenders who are currently offering special mortgage loans designed to help keep teachers in Oklahoma.  If you represent a lending institution that offers something along these lines, please let me know ASAP!   My understanding is that the Daily Oklahoman is doing a story on teacher shortage incentives and would like to talk with a lending institution that offers such a program about the program specifics. 

Mary Mowdy,  Executive Director 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
P. O. Box 3000, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
405/234-4310     800-247-0420   
fax: 405/234-4565        

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