[Lender] New Credit Bureau Reports and Codes

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Thu May 30 17:45:35 CDT 2002

> Beginning with Spring Release (4-8-02) the format, appearance, and codes
> that were sent with adverse credit packets were changed substantially.
> Additionally, SLMA began pulling credit from one of three credit bureaus;
> TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian, whereas before it was only pulled from
> one.  This change was implemented to lessen the chance of delays in credit
> responses due to a credit bureau being "down".
> Enhancements were made within the last week, to make the data on the
> credit reports more meaningful and user friendly.  These changes should
> enable lenders to better assist parents in resolving or understanding the
> adverse credit.  To provide additional assistance with the codes, attached
> are two Word documents; an example credit report and a code sheet
> identifying each field and the possible code values.
> OGSLP appreciates your patience during this transition and if you have any
> additional questions please feel free to call me directly.  Thank you!
>  <<creditre.doc>>  <<CREDIT REPORT FIELDS.doc>> 
> Penny Gandy, Loan Services Manager
> Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
> PO Box 3000
> Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000
> Direct Line (405)234-4364 Fax (405)234-4553
> e-mail:  pgandy at ogslp.org
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