[Lender] Cash For College- Final Sponsorship Levels Announcement

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Tue Nov 5 16:15:59 CST 2002

Thanks to all the sponsors who provided us with valuable input for this year's sponsorship levels.  We received some great input from those at the meeting as well as those who could not attend!  Based on this input, the Sponsorship Committee has finalized sponsorship level options for this year's show. Attached is a document that highlights the 3 levels of sponsorship available this year. 


Next Steps:

1) We need to hear from all sponsors who intend to participate by November 11th. Sponsors who indicate an intent to participate by this date, will be entitled to a "Cash For College" Sponsor display for use at next week's OASFAA conference.  These will be great promotion tools at your booths!  Note:  We do NOT have to know which level you plan to participate by this cut-off date, just that you intend to participate at one of the levels being offered.  However, if you know which level you prefer, feel free to communicate the level at this time.     

2) Final sponsorship level decisions are due back to the committee by November 20th.  This extra time is being offered in recognition that many of you will need the time to secure final funding level commitments from your respective organizations.  

For both categories (intent to participate and final decisions) please respond to me at redington at ogslp.org or by phone at (405) 234-4333.  

Once again, thanks for the input and your continued financial support for Cash For College.  You are making a difference!

Cash For College Sponsorship Committee
(Rick Edington, Scott Medlin, Dana Livingston, Eric Tuck)

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