[Lender] Supplies for College Goal Sunday

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Wed Dec 20 09:09:02 CST 2006

As you know, for the last few years, the Oklahoma Lender Advisory
Council, Inc. (OLAC) has provided supplies to support College Goal
Sunday locations throughout the state.  Once again, OLAC has agreed to
provide this valuable service!  For those of you who are not familiar
with College Goal Sunday or who might be interested in viewing a listing
of the 18 sites, we've attached the link below:  


If your organization would like to donate supplies for use at College
Goal Sunday sites, please forward the items to Patricia Johnson, here at
OGSLP, if possible by Friday, January 26th.  Items needed include pens,
pencils, notepads, post-it notes, and plastic bags.   

Our delivery address is listed below for your reference:

421 NW 13th Street, Suite 250
Oklahoma City, OK  73103

Also, feel free to drop these items off at our office if you're here in
the metro area!

Quantities needed-  In the past, most lenders have sent from 250- 500 of
one or two of the items listed above.  This provides us with an adequate
supply for site demands with a variety of lenders represented in each
order.  Requested items will be delivered to the sites prior to College
Goal Sunday, February 11th.  

If you'd like to volunteer to take these assorted items directly to any
of the school sites prior to the event, please let Patricia know.  She
can be reached at (800) 247-0420 or (405) 234-4297 and at
pjohnson at ogslp.org.  Items not delivered by lenders will be delivered by
our staff.

THANKS to OLAC for continuing to provide this much appreciated service
for College Goal Sunday sites throughout the state!  

College Goal Sunday Management Team

Rick Edington
Director for Operations & Client Services
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Phone:  (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4551
redington at ogslp.org

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