[Lender] FW: (Reminder) Supplies for College Goal Sunday

Johnson, Patricia pjohnson at ogslp.org
Wed Feb 1 10:03:54 CST 2006

> This is just a reminder:  If your organization would like to donate
> supplies to be used at College Goal Sunday sites.  
> ______________________________________________ 
> From: 	Johnson, Patricia  
> Sent:	Friday, January 20, 2006 12:15 PM
> To:	'lender at list.onenet.net'
> Cc:	Edington, Rick; Mowdy, Mary; Gandy, Penny; Spain-Bryant, Donna;
> Mize, Dolores
> Subject:	Supplies for College Goal Sunday
> As you know, for the last few years, the Oklahoma Lender Advisory
> Council, Inc. (OLAC) has provided supplies to support College Goal
> Sunday locations throughout the state.  OLAC has agreed to provide
> this valuable service once again this year!  
> As talked about in the previous meeting if your organization would
> like to donate supplies for use at College Goal Sunday sites, please
> forward the items to Patricia Johnson, here at OGSLP, if possible by
> Tuesday, January 31st.  Items needed include pens, pencils, notepads,
> post-it notes, and plastic bags.   
> Our delivery address is listed below for your reference:
> 421 NW 13th Street, Suite 250
> Oklahoma City, OK  73103
> Also, feel free to drop these items off at our office if you're here
> in the metro area!
> Quantities needed-  In the past most lenders have sent around 300 of
> one or two of the items listed above.  This provides us with an
> adequate supply for site demands with a variety of lenders represented
> in each order.  Requested items will be delivered to the sites prior
> to College Goal Sunday, February 19th.  
> If you'd like to volunteer to take these assorted items directly to
> any of the school sites prior to the event, please let Patricia know.
> She can be reached at (800) 247-0420 or (405) 234-4297 and at
> pjohnson at ogslp.org.  Items not delivered by lenders will be delivered
> by our staff.
> THANKS to OLAC for continuing to provide this much appreciated service
> for College Goal Sunday sites throughout the state!  
> Patricia Johnson
> Client Relations Administrative Assistant
> Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
> Phone: (405) 234-4297 or (800) 247-0420
> Fax:  (405) 234-4564
> E-mail:  pjohnson at ogslp.org
> Note:  This communication and attachments, if any, are intended solely
> for the use of the addressee hereof.  In addition, this information
> and attachments, if any, may contain information that is confidential,
> privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.  If you
> are not the intended recipient of this information, you are prohibited
> from reading, disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating, or
> otherwise using this information.  If you have received this message
> in error, please promptly notify the sender and immediately, delete
> this communication from your system.
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