[Lender] Fw: [Oasfaa] RSVP for OASFAA Spring Entertainment

Hancock, Ron Ron.Hancock at nelnet.net
Tue Jan 17 10:00:21 CST 2006

Vendors...please see the following. At this time, if someone from your
organization would like to attend, we are asking that only ONE person from
your organization RSVP for this event. A limited number of tickets are
available and we are wanting to make sure we can accommodate the school
requests first. If tickets remain, more will be made available to vendors at
a future date. Corporate registration will be available ion the next week.

-Ron Hancock

-----Original Message-----
From: oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net <oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net>
To: oasfaa at onenet.net <oasfaa at onenet.net>
Sent: Tue Jan 17 09:43:33 2006
Subject: [Oasfaa] RSVP for OASFAA Spring Entertainment

 <<Basketball RSVP.doc>> Spring Conference Attendees:

If you would like to attend the NBA Hornets game at the OASFAA Spring
Conference, please complete the attached form and return it today. 
Tickets are limited.

The Conference Committee

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