[Lender] OGSLP 1-800 Numbers Experiencing Technical Difficulties

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Thu Nov 16 12:30:47 CST 2006

Currently, OGSLP is experiencing some technical difficulties with our 1-800 #'s and we are working to resolve the issue.  However, our main number and direct lines are still operating as they should be.  If you need to reach us during this time, you may call (405) 234-4300, any of our direct lines, or communicate through e-mail.

We will keep you updated with the progress of repairs.  Thank you.

Penny Gandy
Client Solutions Manager
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
PO Box 3000
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000
Ph (405) 234-4364  Fx (405) 234-4553
e-mail  pgandy at ogslp.org

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