[Lender] Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference

Caddell, Angela acaddell at osrhe.edu
Thu Sep 14 16:23:55 CDT 2006


On October 31, the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition and Federal Reserve Bank
are hosting the third annual Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference
at the Reed Center in Midwest City.  A pre-conference Poverty Simulation
workshop will be held on Monday, October 30.

This conference brings together financial education service providers
and stakeholders to learn about programs across the state, share
experiences, and identify new strategies and resources to extend
financial education to all Oklahomans.  Speakers and panelists from
national and local organizations will discuss financial literacy issues
and trends and how they affect your community, innovative approaches to
promote financial empowerment among diverse clients, program design and
best practices, and tactics to engage new service partners.

Additional conference information, including a detailed agenda and
on-line registration, is available at www.kansascityfed.org/finedu.  The
registration deadline is October 20; register early, as space is

I hope you'll consider participating in this informative conference!



Angela O. Caddell 
Director, Oklahoma Money Matters 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
P.O. Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000 
405-234-4495 (office) 
800-970-OKMM (toll-free) 
405-234-4390 (fax) 
acaddell at ogslp.org 

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