[Lender] OASFAA Conference

Kelli Kelnar kelli.kelnar at efsi.net
Mon Apr 2 22:47:21 CDT 2007



Thanks to all of you who have registered for the upcoming OASFAA Spring
Conference.  Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated.  All exhibitors and
sponsors will be recognized at our Thursday luncheon.  At that time we will
also acknowledge those of you who have hit certain milestones in the
financial aid/student loan industry.  Unfortunately there were a lot of you
who did not provide that information on your registration form.  If you wish
to provide it now my e-mail is kelli.kelnar at efsi.net.  Just submit your
name, company name and the number of years you have been in this business.
We will need the information by COB Wednesday, 4/4/2007.  Thanks so much for
your attention to this matter!


See you next week in Tulsa!


Kelli Kelnar

OASFAA Corporate Chair


405.752.8900  Phone

405.535.6787  Cell

405.752.8901  Fax

kelli.kelnar at efsi.net



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