[Lender] OSLA Power Outage

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Mon Dec 17 14:03:06 CST 2007

This message is being sent on behalf of the Oklahoma Student Loan Authority.

Please be advised that OSLA will be closed the remainder of the day (Monday, December 17th) due to power issues in the building.  They hope to be re-opened for business on Tuesday, December 18th.

If there are any changes to the above information, a new update will be sent with updated information.

Penny Gandy
Client Solutions Manager
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
PO Box 3000
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000
Ph (405) 234-4364  Fx (405) 234-4553
e-mail  pgandy at ogslp.org

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