[Lender] OLAC Meeting

Wright, Matthew matthew.wright at slxpress.com
Tue Jul 24 09:35:24 CDT 2007

Hello Everyone,


As you all know there have been some changes in our industry the last
few months.  I have spoken with Rick Edington and Penny Gandy and we
have decided it is necessary for OLAC to have a meeting to discuss these
changes.  On August 10th from 10 to 1:30 we will meet at OGSLP in their
conference room.  We will have a slight break for lunch.  Please respond
to me if you will be able to attend this meeting.  If you are not an
OLAC member we would still like you to attend.  We would also like to
hear from you about any topics you want discussed.  Please respond to me
by close of business Friday so we will know how many of you will be able
to attend.  Have a great day and I will speak to you all soon.         


Matthew Wright

Student Loan Xpress

Vice President, Regional Accounts


(918) 269-9439

matthew.wright at slxpress.com <mailto:matthew.wright at slxpress.com> 



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