[Lender] Register for OGSLP's Annual Conference

GSL Communications gslcommunications at ogslp.org
Thu May 17 15:06:21 CDT 2007

OGSLP's Annual Conference on June 7
Financial Aid Professionals: Everyday Heroes 

<http://www.ogslp.org/OGSLP/2007Conf/2007-conf-regist-form.shtml>  is
now open for OGSLP's conference on Thursday, June 7, at Moore Norman
Technology Center's new South Penn campus
<http://www.mntechnology.com/mntc.mntc?Category=260&Archive=0>  located
at S.W. 134th and Penn in Oklahoma City. 

The conference will offer a wide variety of information designed to
educate and inspire attendees. The theme, Financial Aid Professionals:
Everyday Heroes, pays tribute to the hard-working school and lender
staff members who empower students to achieve their educational goals.

Guest speaker Brett Lief, president of the National Council of Higher
Education Loan Programs, Inc. (NCHELP), will open the conference with an
informative industry update. Additionally, we're pleased to have Dr.
Arnold Mitchem, president of the Council for Opportunity in Education,
as our luncheon speaker. You won't want to miss this inspirational

This year, we're offering three interest session tracks with something
for everyone. The "basic" track is geared toward new and support staff.
The second track is "making work work," a series of sessions designed to
help financial aid veterans become even more effective in their jobs.
Our third and always popular track includes sessions on the various loan
processing products. See the full agenda
<http://www.ogslp.org/OGSLP/2007Conf/2007-conference-agenda.shtml>  for
more information.

This conference is provided by the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan
Program. Please note: the total cost of the meal provided will not
exceed $10 per person. 

Click here
<http://www.ogslp.org/OGSLP/2007Conf/2007-conference-agenda.shtml>  to
register and view the agenda and hotel information. 

405.234.4440 or 800.247.0420
gslcommunications at ogslp.org 
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