[Lender] DRAFT--Lender Fee Spreadsheet--for Review

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Mon Oct 22 13:11:56 CDT 2007

> Please find attached the most recent, updated spreadsheet of lender origination and default fee options as reported to OGSLP.  We need for you to review this listing to ensure accuracy prior to our posting on the OGSLP internet website under the OLAC Corner.  If you have changes or revisions that need to be made, please submit them to me (Penny Gandy-contact information below) by Wednesday, 10/31/07.
> If no changes are necessary for your lender ID, no response is needed.
> Thank you for your attention to this request.
> >  <<OLACFeeSpreadsheet updating 10-22-07 without notes.xls>> 
> Penny Gandy
> Client Solutions Manager
> Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
> PO Box 3000
> Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000
> Ph (405) 234-4364  Fx (405) 234-4553
> e-mail  pgandy at ogslp.org
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