[Lender] OASFAA Conference Registration - Fall 2007

Kelli Kelnar kelli.kelnar at efsi.net
Mon Sep 24 16:35:02 CDT 2007



The OASFAA Corporate registration is now live on our website.  Check it out
at:  http://oasfaa.ou.edu/index.html.  Everyone must complete both the
Corporate AND Corporate Individual registrations.  Please note exhibitors
will pay $120 per person along with their exhibitor fee of $1040.  (This fee
also includes one free registration.)  All lenders, servicers, guarantors,
software providers, etc. who choose NOT to exhibit will pay $300 per person.
The registration deadline date is October 12.  If you have any questions or
need additional information please let me know.  Once your registration has
been received I will contact you with more specific information about the
conference.  Thank you!


Kelli Kelnar

OASFAA Corporate Relations Chair

EFSI - Brazos

405-752-8900  Phone

405-752-8901  Fax

kelli.kelnar at efsi.net


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