[Lender] Order Your YMM Guides for Fall!

Caddell, Angela acaddell at ogslp.org
Thu Aug 14 15:56:03 CDT 2008

Good afternoon!

Don't forget that OGSLP has replenished the supply of our OLAC and OKMM
co-branded personal finance guides, Your Money Matters. Just in time for
back-to-school activities and college fair season, there's plenty for


The 16-page booklets cover topics every college and high school student
needs to know to become a better money manager, including budgeting,
consumer credit, saving, banking, student loan management and identity
theft. The Your Money Matters college guide can be used in a variety of
settings, like freshman orientation or campus workshops, and the high
school version can be a great resource to distribute to counselors and
families at college fairs and community events.    


We're making copies of the high school and college-level guides
available to OLAC members on a first-come, first-served basis.  To
request a supply for your event or activity, please contact Lacy Myers,
OKMM Communications Coordinator, at 405.234.4203 or lmyers at ogslp.org
<mailto:lmyers at ogslp.org> .   


Let me know if you have questions.  We look forward to continued
partnership with OLAC! 


Best regards,




Angela O. Caddell 
Director for Communications, Financial Education, and Outreach 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
P.O. Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000 
405-234-4495 (direct)
800-522-8506 (TDD/TRS) 
800-970-OKMM (toll-free) 
405-234-4554 (fax) 
acaddell at ogslp.org <mailto:acaddell at ogslp.org>  
www.ogslp.org <http://www.ogslp.org/>  
www.oklahomamoneymatters.org <http://www.oklahomamoneymatters.org/>  


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