[Lender] OLAC Lender Meeting (February 22, 2008, 10:30-1:30) OGSLP Conference Room

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Mon Jan 14 12:01:27 CST 2008

Posted on behalf of Angie Carver, OLAC President

OLAC Members:

The OLAC meeting that was originally scheduled for January 4th but
cancelled, has been rescheduled for February 22, 2008, from 10:30-1:30
in the OGSLP conference room.  Please send any agenda items you want
included to me at the e-mail address below.  During the meeting we will
have a demonstration of the ELM product as discussed previously.

Please send an RSVP to Gentry McKeown at OGSLP (gmckeown at ogslp.org) so
that box lunches can be ordered.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Angie Carver 
Student Loan Acct. Rep 
(405) 514-3714 (Cell) 
(405) 470-3395 (office) 
angie.carver at commercebank.com 
Lender code: 813979 
1-800-666-3910 - Operations team

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