[Lender] NCHELP Reauthorization Legislation Summary Document

Policy Compliance Training pct at ogslp.org
Mon Mar 3 12:43:37 CST 2008

Dear Colleagues: 

As a follow-up to the February 22, 2008, Oklahoma Lender Advisory
Council (OLAC) meeting, the National Council of Higher Education Loan
Programs (NCHELP) recently released a summary side-by-side analysis
document of the Higher Education Act (HEA) reauthorization bills
pdf> . This summary includes selected sections of major provisions that
impact loan programs found in the Senate's Higher Education Amendments
of 2007 (S. 1642) and the House's College Opportunity and Affordability
Act of 2008 (H.R. 4137).    

The next step in the legislative process is for both S. 1642 and H.R.
4137 to go to a Conference Committee where a joint House and Senate
committee is appointed to negotiate the differences between the two
bills. As you may recall, the bill provisions must be approved in
identical form by both the House and the Senate. From what has been
reported, the goal of the Conference Committee is to complete the
conference report in April. The current HEA extension expires on March
31, 2008.  

OGSLP will continue to keep you informed about HEA activity. If you have
questions, please contact Policy, Compliance, and Training at (405)
234-4432 or pct at ogslp.org <mailto:pct at ogslp.org?subject=Legislation> .

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